Arjun Balaji
Partner, Investing & Research

Arjun Balaji

Arjun Balaji is a Partner focused on crypto investments. Previously, Arjun was an independent cryptocurrency analyst, consulting with NY-based hedge funds and family offices on allocation models, mining, crypto-derivatives, and other financial services and infrastructure businesses. He earned his B.S. in Computer Science from Northeastern University.

Written by Arjun

From Staking to Restaking

Introducing Symbiotic, a generalized, permissionless protocol providing shared security through restaking. []

by Arjun Balaji, Dave White, Georgios Konstantopoulos on Jun 11, 2024

Crypto Market Structure 3.0

In the early 2010s, the crypto market consisted of a handful of small, retail-focused brokers. Over the last decade, the market has grown to over \$15B of daily volume across []

by Arjun Balaji on Oct 01, 2020

View all writing by Arjun Balaji